Wantepreneur Syndrome.

from Leo Giovanetti.

I have a serious syndrome that I can’t get rid of. It’s a syndrome that dictates how my mind sees an idea developed in the future within today’s standards. It’s a way of putting an idea where does not belong yet, where an idea should be headed mid-term, wasting energy that should be wasted mid-term as well. I call it the Wantrepreneuship Syndrome and these are the symptoms I see in myself.

Why is this related to entrepreneurship you may ask. Entrepreneurship involves owning an idea to develop it from a bunch of concepts, to a solidified description, to a simplified MVP, to a pitch, to an extended MVP and finally to a VP, with a lot of doubts, frustrations, mutations and uncertainties and a few accomplishments in between. This syndrome on the other hand tele-transports an idea into a very mature state of that cycle, fudging those very needed in-betweens.

As far as I can tell, this syndrome it’s somewhat dangerous if you don’t identify it is there. This syndrome wastes energy towards nothing valuable, restarting each time you have this disordered bunch of concepts of an idea.

Remedy? I don’t believe there is one. And I don’t think we want to cure this syndrome at all forever. We just need a good strategy to delay it to where having this syndrome brings value in the correct state of the cycle. Strategies that could place the syndrome in the correct place would be to cheat the mind so it believes that somewhere in the future it will be able to indulge its syndrome habits.